Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Range of activities:

  • tests of gas meters, volume conversion devices, pressure and temperature transducers and platinum resistance thermometer sensors within PCA accreditation No. AB 041 (including assessment of conformity to MID directive 2004/22/EC (Modulus B) – Notified Body No. 1450):
    » tests of rotary gas meters, acc. to EN 12480,
    » tests of turbine gas meters, acc. to EN 12261,
    » tests of diaphragm gas meters, acc. to EN 1359 (including gas meters resistance test to neodymium magnets),
    » test of diaphragm, turbine, rotary and ultrasonic gas meters accordance with OIML R137,

Range of activities:

  • the analytical control of gas odourization; verifying the measurement of odourizing agent concentration in natural gas and gaseous mixtures, determining the minimum concentration of odourant in gas and the odour curves of natural gases;
  • the monitoring of gas odourization level, including measurements of the odour intensity of gaseous fuels, and the monitoring of odourizer operation;
  • odourant quality tests;
  • studies relating to the introduction of new odourants into the national gas system;

Scope of activities:

  • Analysis of environmental threats related to the oil and gas industry, including exploration, extraction, storage, transmission, and distribution, with a focus on natural environmental factors.
  • Inventory of methane emissions from the exploration, extraction, storage, transmission, and distribution sectors of the gas industry, along with an assessment of potential reduction measures.
  • Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, including a comprehensive assessment of sources and quantities.
  • Verification and assessment of the environmental impact of technologies in the oil and gas industry in accordance with the latest trends.

Range of activities:

  • laboratory testing of pipes, sections, plastic and metal fittings, and anticorrosion coatings, carried out as required for certification and technical approvals;
  • the assessment of corrosion risk degree in steel pipelines and the assessment of the technical status of steel pipeline insulation using non-excavation methods;
  • the assessment of gas distribution network reconstruction methods;
  • drawing up draft regulations for the construction and utilization of gas networks;

Range of activities:

  • certification tests (within PCA accreditation No. AB041) of gas and electrical equipment:
    » efficiency of water boilers fired with gaseous and oil fuels,
    » type conformity of equipment firing gas fuels,
    » metal and ceramic stacks and also of heating equipment fired with solid fuels, like fire places, stoves, boilers,
    » safety of gas lighters with operation made difficult for children,