Instytut Nafty i Gazu - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Scope of activities:

  • Analysis of environmental threats related to the oil and gas industry, including exploration, extraction, storage, transmission, and distribution, with a focus on natural environmental factors.
  • Inventory of methane emissions from the exploration, extraction, storage, transmission, and distribution sectors of the gas industry, along with an assessment of potential reduction measures.
  • Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, including a comprehensive assessment of sources and quantities.
  • Verification and assessment of the environmental impact of technologies in the oil and gas industry in accordance with the latest trends.
  • Determination of the carbon footprint in the oil and gas industry, considering emissions and overall environmental impact.
  • Monitoring and laboratory research of environmental elements (air, water, and soil) in areas of hydrocarbon exploration, exploitation, and other industrial sites.
  • Laboratory analysis of wastewater and waste, including drilling waste, hydraulic fracturing flowback, produced water, and technological fluids, evaluating their potential environmental harm.
  • Classification of extraction waste, including the preparation of waste characteristics, complying with applicable regulations.
  • Identification of selected metal nanoparticles and metal oxides in environmental samples.
  • Mercury content analysis in environmental samples (solid and liquid), gas mixtures, and industrial materials.
  • Evaluation of the quality of hydrocarbon fuels, including natural gas and its mixtures with hydrogen, as well as gases produced in the industry (e.g., coking gas).
  • Comprehensive analysis of biogas, including the examination of silicon, chlorine, fluorine compounds, and ammonia.
  • Monitoring of natural gas quality in the gas distribution system.
  • Preparation and updating of safety data sheets for hazardous substances and mixtures, in compliance with current legislation.
  • Accredited sampling of natural gas, biogas, and other types of gas mixtures.

Head: Jadwiga Holewa-Rataj
Address: 1 Bagrowa Str., 30-733 Cracow, POLAND
Phone: +48 12 617 74 18, +48 505 877 836
Fax: +48 12 653 16 65